Admission Assistance

Our experienced and free support will help you navigate through the complexities

College Admissions

The college Admission process can seem intimidating, especially if students don’t have parents or siblings who have already been through it and can offer advice.

Since there are so many steps, such as writing an essay and obtaining letters of recommendation, experts say a good way for students to get it started. 

Application Process

Inspecting the last applications before sending them out to universities is Important. The students and counselors jointly should set aside time and concentrate on checking applications before they are submitted to ensure an error free and well-presented application. Students draft their own documents, however it is essential to review the work for improvement.

In select cases we add on our personalized confidential assessment/recommenda- tion to institutions highlighting your strengths and your suitability to be an ideal match to them.

Most institutions have their specific requirements necessary for a complete application. Adhering to these guidelines ensures higher success and faster response. We assist with courier dispatch and delivery tracking too.

Document Editing

Once student identifies the university, their documents are analyzed by us. We give special attention to their application, highlighting the areas essential for a well-presented, error free application. It’s later reviewed, and feedback is provided by our experts. Documents need to be sealed and addressed meticulously. Most colleges and universities have their own specific requirements necessary for a complete application. Adhering to these guidelines ensures higher success rate.

Our counselors are always in touch with the students in order to ensure that students are well informed and updated with the status of their application.

Interview Preparation

Before any interview, students will be informed about the format. Who will be interviewing ? Will student be speaking with one interviewer or a panel? Will there be other interviewers present? Will the interview be virtual, on the phone, in person?

Here Hadha provides mock interview for students, it helps them to have idea on the type of questions that Universities ask. We will help students to prepare effective answers.

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